No Syndrome Zone

Favour Okorie

October 4, 2022

2 minutes read

Been long you saw me… 👀

This isn’t welcome back, but I thought to share a little food for thought and run back into my shell.

Imposter syndrome… does it sound familiar? Maybe not, but wait let me create a better picture you might relate to…

So, you’ve developed that amazing business idea or you’ve had people give you the accolades you deserve for being a genius at your craft, but somewhere in your head, there’s that tiny voice that has developed a comfortable web in your head with the mission of ensuring you feel belittled or undeserving; even when you know fully well that you are 100% responsible for that genius idea that is on the lips of everyone. That tiny voice, my dear is what we call Imposter Syndrome.

I wrote an appreciation note yesterday and it triggered me to remember instances where I have succumbed to that voice in my head and felt irrelevant and I’m certain that there are a lot of people, (including you reading this right now) who have felt this way, or still feel this way. I have a little note for you:

Don’t be afraid to wear confidence on your sleeves and inhale the feeling of being a winner because you sure are, and darling, the world isn’t even ready for you.

Next time someone commends you for a job well done, swallow that urge to say something belittling about your capabilities, wear a huge smile, and say thank you!


Black Bird

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