Beautifully Human

Favour Okorie

May 13, 2020

2 minutes read

“No, I can’t go out looking like this” “That dress makes me look so fat and I can’t even walk well” “No one will want to talk to me with my hair packed this way”. ” My left eye doesn’t open right”. So many more… A thousand and one sentences structured this way. You might have heard it somewhere, or you might have said it to yourself, or had someone say it to you.

Listen, everyone has a mirror, yeah, some big, some small, some tiny, some extremely big; but one thing these mirrors have in common is that they’ll always show you how beautiful you are in your own way.

Now, you have a scar on your nose that you got from a fire accident; if it didn’t stop you from breathing, why should it take away your confidence? Food for thought yeah? Now think about this… You can’t wear those jeans because it’s too small for you yeah? But you are aware that there’s a section in that boutique that has your size and it wasn’t labeled “for fat people” or “for shapeless people” yes?… Just checking.

Don’t let people make you feel less of yourself because, to them, you’re a flaw filled human but in reality, you’re beautifully human.

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