Beyond your skin

Favour Okorie

June 20, 2019

2 minutes read

Beyond your skin, every living and non-living thing seems like a threat to you because you feel that they’re out to hurt your very existence. You feel like everyone breathing except you is a potential threat to your little struggle of trying to put your life together or to be a better person.

Beyond your skin, you feel eyes piercing through your “wretched soul ” because you feel nothing good can ever be affiliated with you. You feel like life isn’t really worth the struggle because you’re better off “dead” (Destructive – Empty – Afraid – Dry).

Beyond your skin, no one has the right to tell you you’re beautiful because you didn’t grow up hearing those words; no one can say you have beautiful eyes because you grew up using them to behold pain. You never really went on ice cream dates because you didn’t even know they existed.

Beyond your skin, you never really held fancy dresses because you didn’t have occasions to wear them to. You wanted to do so much but didn’t even know how to go about it; couldn’t walk with your head up high because you were too scared you\’ll see something that would break you.

I say to you darling, fight beyond your skin! Break out, be free, jump, fly, be happy. Who knows, there might be someone out there waiting for your smile to rub off on them.

Live beyond your skin.

Black bird.

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